Berries might be small but they are full of nutrients that are very beneficial for your health. They come in various shapes, sizes, flavours and colours such as green berries, red berries, yellow berries, etc., in fact, you can have some of them fresh while some are to be eaten dry, but what’s common is that they are all rich in nutrients and you must include them in your diet.
In general, berries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. But does that mean you need to have each and every kind? No, just the ones which suit your health requirements and taste!
Here are 8 different types of berries that you must include in your diet:
1. Strawberry
Strawberry, also known as the queen of berries, is the most famous among the hundreds of berries available worldwide. It is easily available today no matter in which corner of the world you live, but originally, in the 18th century, it was mainly cultivated in France.
Strawberries are very beneficial for your health– these little heart-shaped berries protect your heart. These increase the good cholesterol in your body (HDL), as well as lower blood pressure in humans. It is said that strawberries also protect against cancer.
This berry particularly is rich in vitamin C, which is required for the growth, development and repair of the tissues in our body. Vitamin C also helps in strengthening the immune system while helping with the maintenance of teeth, bones, etc. It also helps protect your heart from various diseases, helps in absorbing more iron in the body, and promotes hair growth & good skin too.
Strawberries are fat-free, sodium-free, and low in calories. But these berries are a good source of potassium, as well as manganese. Strawberries are also extremely delicious and they can be eaten in a lot of ways as well- for example, in cakes, jams, smoothies, shakes, or just raw as well.

2. Cranberry
Cranberries are very rich in vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K, as well as minerals & antioxidants. In fact, they are also known as the “powerhouse of antioxidants”.
Cranberries might not be able to treat Urinary Tract Infections as medicines but they can surely prevent you from getting one. It also prevents cavities and has anti-inflammatory effects on your body, thereby protecting you from various chronic diseases. Just like strawberries, cranberries too keep the heart healthy by lowering your blood pressure and improving the level of good cholesterol in your body. Another very important benefit of having cranberries is that it reduced bad microbes in your body that lives in your colon, especially if you have a non-vegetarian diet, thereby maintaining your digestive health.
The most common way to eat cranberries is in the form of juice, with a little added sugar. It is delicious and at the same time very good for your health!

3. Blueberry
When it comes to the various types of berries, after strawberry, blueberry really is the most famous one worldwide, especially in India. These are nutritious and very low in calories, thus making them a perfect choice to be included in your diet. Rich in manganese, Vitamin C and K, blueberries are one of the most nutrient-dense berries in the world.
Popularly known as the “King of antioxidants fruits”, blueberries prevent cancer by protecting your body from free radicals. These berries are also extremely effective in protecting your heart from various diseases, lowering blood pressure and oxidising LDL (bad) cholesterol. Also, if you’re looking for something that will help your memory to be strong, blueberries are your solution. They help maintain brain function and will improve your memory as well. Just like cranberries, blueberries too help in the prevention of Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs). Plus, if you’re someone who is physically active, whether you’re into sports, gym, or even strenuous work, blueberries can help accelerate muscle recovery and thereby reduce the risk of muscle damage.
While you can eat these berries raw, some people also like to eat them by putting them in smoothies, shakes, desserts, jams, etc.- irrespective of the way, it’s yummy!

4. Raspberry
Like all types of berries, raspberries too are filled with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre. The Omega 3 fatty acids which are present in raspberries help in preventing stroke, plus the potassium in these berries is also beneficial for heart health. Blueberries not just reduce blood pressure but the Manganese present in them also lowers blood sugar, as well as it keeps the bones healthy. The Vitamin C in raspberries prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth, they also repairs sun damage on the skin and promote radiant-looking skin.
Raspberries can be eaten fresh but some people also prefer to eat them frozen, in smoothies, with yoghurt, or with pancakes & waffles as well.

5. Gooseberry
Gooseberries might be low in calories but they are high in nutrients. It’s filled with Vitamin C, Vitamin B5 and B6. Each of these vitamins is crucial for your health, for example, Vitamin B6 is needed by the various cells in your body to convert the food you eat into the energy your body requires every single day to function properly. These berries are also rich in Manganese which helps in reproduction, metabolism, etc., potassium which is needed for cell function, and Copper which is extremely important for the heart, brain as well as immune system.
Most people like to eat them fresh but there are also some who love to put them in salads or top their cereals and yoghurts with Gooseberries.

6. Goji berry
Popularly known as Wolfberries, these tiny red berries fruit have recently gained popularity and for all the right reasons. Goji berries are said to protect the eyes from various age-related eye diseases, all thanks to the high level of antioxidants present in them. The same antioxidants also help in protecting and strengthening the immune system. Goji berries are also known to have inflammatory properties, which help in preventing various diseases in humans. Along with Vitamin C, goji berries also contain Vitamin A which helps with immunity and also in preventing Cancer. These berries are amazing in making your skin healthy as well.
Another brilliant use of this berry is in the prevention and cure of depression and anxiety, it also helps people who have problems with sleep. Goji berry drink is perfect for uplifting one’s mood and energy! Along with these benefits, Goji berries also prevent liver damage.
Goji berry can be eaten raw as well as dried, in fact, it can also be used in tea. You can also mix berries together and have them as a snack during the day.

7. Acai berry
While there are various types of berries fruits, Acai berries, grown in the rainforests of South and Central America, are a staple food in the Amazon region and very recently they have gained popularity worldwide due to their health benefits. But because of their short shelf life, they aren’t usually found in their raw form outside of the region where they are grown, though you can find them in the form of pressed juice, dried powder and frozen puree.
While Acai berries are low in sugar, they have a good amount of healthy fat. These berries are also rich in Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc and Chromium. Acai berries are full of powerful plant compounds as well which act as antioxidants in the body and are also beneficial for the heart and brain.
The benefits of berries are quite a few, in fact, another very important benefit of including Acai berries in your diet is it helps in weight loss. These little berries have appetite suppression qualities, plus they also improve digestion. The fatty acids in them also make the skin glow, as they promote collagen production.
The most common way to eat Acai berries is in the form of an Acai Bowl. For this, you need to blend unsweetened frozen Acai Berry puree with milk or water, and then add toppings such as Chia seeds, coconut flakes, sliced fruits, dry berries, etc.

8. Goldenberry
Goldenberry, you might also know it as Husk Cherry, Inca berry, Topotopo, Cape Gooseberry or Poha berry, is native to South America. But these are now also grown in India, China, the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.
These berries have various health benefits, just like the other types of berries. They prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation in chronic arthritis, neurodegenerative diseases, etc. Goldenberries also reduce LDL in the body, which is also known as bad cholesterol. Plus, they are also known to reduce stress and anxiety. These are full of important Vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, K, E & A, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, etc.

Goldenberries can be consumed in various ways, such as, in salads, muffins, granola bars, sauce, etc.
Different types of berries offer different types of health benefits and you can pick & choose according to what suits your health goals the best. Start including these little nutrient-dense food items in your diet and you will see a positive change in your health sooner than you imagine.