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Top 13 Zinc Rich Foods for Vegetarians

Zinc Rich Foods

Zinc is a necessary mineral that is involved in numerous mechanisms throughout your body. It supports your immune system, promotes wound healing, and keeps your senses of smell and taste sharp. The mineral is especially important for proper growth and development throughout pregnancy, infancy, and childhood. Meat and dairy products are the best sources of zinc. This means that if you are a vegetarian and do not consume meat, you may be deficient in zinc rich foods. Because of its involvement with T cells, zinc is required for healthy immunity (a major component in your immune system). 

Why Do You Need Zinc?

Because your body does not produce zinc, you must consume it on a daily basis to avoid deficiency. Zinc plays numerous vital roles in your overall health. It is required for:

Best Zinc-Rich Foods

Animal products are thought to be the most effective sources of zinc. Because there are few plant-based sources of zinc, vegetarians are more likely to be deficient in this mineral. However, there are a few excellent plant-based zinc sources for vegetarians

1. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are commonly used in Indian cuisine. Chickpeas are the best choice if you want to meet your zinc requirements without eating meat. A cup of cooked chickpeas contains 2.5 mg of zinc and is high in fiber and protein. Chickpeas can be used in curries, salads, and snacks. It is a very useful zinc rich food for vegetarians

2. Lentils

Lentils are the finest zinc source. They are also low in calories and fat and contain important nutrients such as proteins and fiber. A cup of lentils has nearly 4.7 mg of zinc. Use them in normal food, such as curries. It is one of the most important Indian foods rich in zinc.

3. Beans

Beans, particularly kidney and black beans are another awesome source of zinc. These beans are also strong in soluble and insoluble fibers, proteins, iron, phosphorus, and calcium, all of which contribute to good health. A cup of cooked black beans has 2 mg of zinc, while a half cup of cooked kidney beans has 0.9 mg. It is one of the best foods rich in zinc for vegetarians.

4. Spinach

This list would be incomplete if this leafy vegetable was not included. It is widely regarded as the best source of minerals and vitamins for vegetarians. It contains up to 7 mg of zinc per 200 calories, making it one of the best zinc rich foods on this list.

5. Mushrooms

Zinc is also abundant in button mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms. A 100-calorie intake of white button mushrooms contains approximately 8 mg of zinc. There is 5 mg of zinc in a related 200 calorie serving of shiitake mushroom. Along with an appealing umami flavor, these mushrooms are excellent plant sources of zinc.

6. Hemp Seeds

Hemp seeds contain a lot of healthy fats and zinc. 3 mg of zinc is found in three tablespoons of hemp seed. Hemp seeds are also high in the amino acid arginine, which aids in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Sprinkle them over yogurt or salads.

7. Cashew

Cashews are one of the tasty ways to get organic, plant-based zinc. You’ll get about 1.5 mg of zinc if you eat them uncooked or roasted. They are high in vitamins A, K, copper, folate, and unsaturated fat. Eating cashews can lower your risk of heart disease and support healthy cholesterol.

8. Tofu

Tofu is a prevalent vegetarian and vegan food that contains a significant quantity of zinc per serving. Up to 2 mg of zinc can be found in 100 grams of firm, freshly made tofu. Furthermore, because tofu can be used in a variety of recipes, it is a multi – functional source of zinc.

9. Dark Chocolate

Zinc is abundant in dark chocolate. A 100 gram serving of dark chocolate includes 3.3 mg of zinc. However, dark chocolate is high in calories and sugar, so don’t rely solely on it. It is a very well-liked source of zinc rich food.

10. Whole Wheat

The wheat germ is the outermost layer of the wheat grain and one of the seed’s most mineral-rich parts. Typically, the germ is removed during the production of wheat flour or white flour. Look for whole wheat flour and incorporate it into your regular recipes. It contains a lot of zinc, but it also has a lot of vitamins, minerals, and fiber, making it a nutritious food choice. It is another famous Indian food rich in zinc.

11. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the traditional breakfast food because it is high in nutrients. Oatmeal contains zinc, fiber, folate, vitamin B6, and beta-glucan. Half a cup of oats includes about 1.3 mg of zinc. Oats also help to lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart. It is a very good source of food rich in zinc.

12. Almonds

Almonds are not only high in energy, but they are also high in nutrients. Almonds are high in zinc, protein, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and fiber. A good number of almonds can be a nutritious, energy-dense snack as well as a simple way to increase your zinc levels. Almonds can be used in a wide range of dishes, from desserts to Mughlai cuisine. It is a very significant source of zinc rich foods.

13. Moong

Moong is a kind of lentil that is also known as moong dal and is widely consumed in India. It can be consumed raw, cooked, sprouted, or whole. Moong contains about 2.6mg of zinc per 100g. As a result, it is an excellent source of zinc, with a daily serving providing up to 24% of your daily value. It is one of the most crucial Indian foods rich in zinc.

Daily Dose Requirement of Zinc

To stay healthy, only a tiny quantity of zinc is required. The NIH recommends a daily zinc allowance of 8 mg for women and 11 mg for men. The recommended daily zinc intake for pregnant women is 11 mg, and for breastfeeding women is 12 mg.


Although the body’s need for zinc is negligible, it is necessary for normal development. Zinc deficiency can result in diarrhea, poor growth, hair loss, and immune suppression. Zinc deficiency is prevalent because your body does not store it, so you must get enough zinc through your diet on a daily basis. Hopefully this article will help to choose the correct source for them. Shop at LoveLocal to support local retailers!

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