Home » The Best Sources of Vitamin E Foods
Vitamin E Foods

The Best Sources of Vitamin E Foods

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect your cells from oxidative stress. Vitamin E levels must be sufficient for the body to function normally. If you don’t get enough, you may become more susceptible to infections, have bad eyesight, or experience muscle weakness. Furthermore, this exceptional nutrient is necessary for the proper functioning of organs such as the heart and brain. As a result, experts recommend having this nutrient from a natural source. Fortunately, vitamin E is readily available in foods. As a result, unless your nutrient absorption is impaired, you are unlikely to become deficient. Nonetheless, everyone should make an attempt to consume a variety of vitamin E foods. Many fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin E.

Let’s discuss all the vitamin E sources.

  • Vitamin E Rich Foods
  1. Wheat

It is a great source of vitamin E in India. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, vitamin E, and minerals. They are also used to make bread and a variety of confectionary items. It can be added to salads or ground into flour to make a variety of dishes. They have the potential to be very beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease.

  1. Olive

They are not only delicious pizza toppings, but they are also high in vitamin E. They can be tossed into salads or sliced raw for a quick snack. Olive oil is popular Mediterranean oil that is used by millions of people all over the world. They contain Oleocanthal, which can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

  1. Sunflower Seeds

The sunflower seeds are the natural sources of vitamin E. These seeds are extracted from sunflowers and have numerous health benefits. They make an excellent snack due to their nutty flavor and smooth texture. You can eat them roasted, raw, or mixed into salads. They contain niacin, which can lower cholesterol and improve heart health.

  1. Wheat Germ Oil

They are one of the healthiest oils on the market. This oil contains the most vitamin E of any vitamin E-rich food. To get the most out of your meals, sprinkle this nutritious oil over salads, smoothies, and fruit juices. It is beneficial to the skin. It has the potential to reduce wrinkles and other skin conditions. Omega 3 fatty acids can help the body detoxify. This is another natural source of vitamin E.

  1. Almonds

California accounts for nearly 80% of total almond supply! They are among the best vitamin E sources. They are not only delicious, but they are also high in essential nutrients. You can eat them raw, soak them, or combine them into your healthy salads. Almonds contain approximately 24.9 mg of Vitamin E per 95 g.

  • Vitamin E Rich Vegetables

   Green vegetables are a great way to improve your health and vitality. They are widely available and tasty. Let’s take a look at some natural sources of vitamin E-rich vegetables that you can eat for good health.

  1. Broccoli

This green vegetable is popular among health-conscious people. It is also a nutritional powerhouse because it is high in protein, vitamin E, and minerals. You can eat them raw or fried for a filling meal. Broccoli contains approximately 1.5 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g. this food is a rich source of vitamin E in India.

  1. Spinach

This leafy super food goes well in salads. Because they are inexpensive and simple to prepare, you can easily incorporate them into your daily diet. It is also a good source of essential minerals and vitamin E. So you can’t go wrong by including spinach in your daily diet.

  1. Butternut Squash

This noticeable vegetable is well-known for its sweet and nutty flavor. It is a popular winter dish. They are one of the oldest crops. It has a flavor like carrot or turnip and is a natural source of vitamin E in India. Butternut squash contains about 1.3 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g.

Apart from these sources, some other vitamin E rich vegetables are – Asparagus, Bell Pepper, and Turnip etc.

  • Vitamin E Rich Fruits

Fruits are a natural treat that helps us stay strong and healthy. They make a delicious quick snack and perform an important role in a variety of delightful food recipes. Here is a list of some vitamin E-rich fruits that you can include in your diet to improve your health.

  1. Mango

This delectable fruit is affectionately known as the “King of fruits.” It is a nutritional powerhouse that is commonly found in India. They are yet another excellent addition to the growing list of vitamin E-rich fruits. Mango contains about 0.9 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g. it is one of the most common food rich in vitamin E in India.

  1. Avocado

This fruit is a widely known guacamole ingredient and is incredibly delicious. It is densely packed with minerals and vitamin E that will keep you strong and healthy. Eat them raw or mix them into salads for a filling, healthy meal. Avocado contains approximately 2.1 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g.

  1. Apricot

They were originally grown in China, but are now available worldwide. If you’re looking for vitamin E-rich fruit, this should be your first choice. You can eat them raw or mix them into salads and smoothies for a delicious meal. Apricots contain about 0.9 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g. This is one of the sources of vitamin E fruit.

  1. Blackberries

These tasty berries are native to Europe, but people all over the world enjoy them! They’re a great source of vitamin E rich fruit. You can eat them raw or add them to fruit juices and smoothies to make a tasty drink. Blackberries have about 1.2 mg of Vitamin E per 100 g.

Apart from these sources, some other vitamin E rich fruits are – Kiwi, Papaya, and Cranberries etc.


 The above mentioned vitamin E food list will give you a brief idea about the sources. Many foods contain vitamin E, but the natural sources of vitamin E such as various fruits and vegetables have the highest concentrations. If you are concerned about your vitamin E levels, talk to your doctor or a dietitian about increasing your intake.

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