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Seasonal Fruits in India – Types & Benefits

seasonal fruits

You have always been told that fruits are essential for your health and that you must definitely include them in your diet, mainly seasonal fruits. If you haven’t done so yet, now is the time- better late than ever, right?  

What are seasonal fruits and how to know which are the seasonal fruits?

When a fruit is in season, it means during that particular period of time in a year, it is at its peak- in terms of harvest, flavour, availability, etc. How do we find them if we don’t know about them beforehand?  It couldn’t be simpler than this- visit a local market, check out a few fruit stalls/stores, notice which particular fruit is present in abundance and not at a very high rate, and that’s it, that particular fruit is a seasonal fruit of that particular season. For example, mangoes and litchis during summer, oranges and kiwi during winter, etc. 

Why are the rates of seasonal fruits lower? 

Seasonal fruits are cheaper because they are sold to the shopkeepers at a lower rate by the farmers during the particular seasons. Why? Because the farmers too are able to produce these fruits at a lower cost due to favourable weather conditions during these particular seasons. For example, a farmer can easily produce mangoes during the summer at a much lower price than in winter, hence, he will be able to sell them to the shopkeeper at a lesser price as well, and he in turn will be able to offer you the products at a reasonable price.

Why should you eat seasonal fruits?

Seasonal fruits are the most effective way of ensuring you have a healthy body, one that can protect itself from diseases and various health-related issues. These delicious fruits are full of nutrients that are very crucial for your body. Seasonal fruits are easily available in the local markets and because they don’t have to be treated with chemicals to increase their shelf life, these are much healthier than fruits during the off-season. These fruits help in boosting your immunity and also help in maintaining your body’s temperature according to the weather conditions outside. For example, having summer fruits such as watermelons during the summer season makes sure your body is cooled down, whereas having dates during winter keeps your body heated up from within so that it’s easier for it to deal with the cold temperature outside. 

List of seasonal fruits in India and their benefits

Here is a list of top 5 fruits and their respective seasons, only to make it easier for you to include them in your diet for a healthy body-

1. Mango

Mango, also known as the king of fruits, was first introduced in India by the Portuguese in the 15th century but you’d be surprised to know that today, India is the largest producer of this fruit in the world- our nation contributes to 50% of the total mango production in the world. Mango is undoubtedly one of the favourite fruits globally and why wouldn’t it be? It’s not just delicious but it’s also very nutritious. It improves heart health and digestive health, mango contains immune-boosting nutrients and prevents diabetes as well. A lesser-known fact about this fruit is that it lowers the body temperature, thus it’s one of the most perfect summer fruits ever. 

2. Watermelon

An extremely popular fruit during the summer season, watermelon which contains approximately 92% water is a great source of hydration for the body. It’s sweet and juicy, exactly what your body wants and needs during the hot season to quench your thirst and keep itself hydrated. Not only does it keep the body cool but it’s also rich in Vitamin A & C, improves heart health and because it is low in calories, it also helps in weight loss/management. 

3. Lychee

A fruit that is loved by all, irrespective of their age- the sweet and refreshing lychee. It is one of the spring/early summer fruits in India and it is widely popular for not just its taste but also its benefits. It is rich in Vitamin C and has not just antioxidant properties but anti-cancer, anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties as well. In fact, it can fight the deadly liver cancer too!

4. Orange 

One of the most popular seasonal fruits in winter in India and perhaps the most beneficial one too is the delicious and nutritious orange. It is one of the best sources of Vitamin C which is extremely important for one’s health as it boosts immunity and reduces the risk of various chronic diseases, reduces a lot of heart problems, prevents iron deficiency and makes your skin glow. The Calcium in oranges helps in keeping one’s bones strong. 

5. Grapes

While grapes are now available in India throughout the year, it is essentially one of the seasonal fruits in winter and therefore, you will get the best quality grapes at the most affordable price during the cold season. Grapes are surely small but they are a powerhouse of nutrients. They prevent deadly heart diseases as well as cancer. Grapes also improve bone health and brain health, while boosting your immune system and preventing diabetes. Grapes are an excellent source of potassium and can (and must) be one of your go-to snacks during the cold months in India. It also in fact improves your skin and hair! 


It is said that the shorter the distance between the land where your fruits and vegetables are cultivated and where you are consuming them, the healthier it is. Hence, consuming seasonal fruits which are growing in your state or country during a particular season with the help of as less chemicals as possible and are easily available, is something you must do to not just save on some extra money which otherwise would be spent on packaged/imported fruits but also to improve your health. Seasonal fruits are also a great way to add variety to your everyday diet. This in turn makes it easier for you to lose/maintain your weight by not getting bored of the same food throughout the year (and ending up consuming junk items). 

It’s time for you to start eating smart- buy seasonal fruits online from your trusted local retailers on LoveLocal and add them to your diet right away!

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