Home » List of High Protein Vegan Foods
High Protein vegan foods

This is the most common misconception: that the only source of widely accessible protein is animal food products. However, this does not appear to suggest that vegetarians must continue to stay deficient in this essential nutrient. According to experts, even if you are on a vegetarian diet, a very healthy diet and plate of food can provide you with all of the crucial nutrients that your body necessitates. There are numerous high protein vegan foods that you can integrate into your diet to satisfy your RDA (Recommended Daily Value) for protein. People are extremely interested in switching to vegetarian or vegan diets or reducing their use of animal products. With more fortified and nutritious plant-based foods available, transferring away from animal products has become easier. There are plenty of vegan foods rich in protein, which gives the same result as animal proteins.

Here we are going to discuss a list of vegan foods rich in high protein.

1. Lentils

Lentils are one of the most flexible vegan protein sources. They vary in size, shape, appearance, and taste. Lentils contain nearly 26 grams of protein per 100 grams. Moreover, they can be used in a number of ways, such as salads, spice-infused dals, and stews and soups. Lentils, either red or green, are rich in protein, fiber, and key minerals such as iron and potassium. It is one of the most important vegan diets with high protein.

Different variety lentils | Differnet Protein Vegan Foods | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

2. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are another excellent vegan protein source, with 15 grams of protein in one cup of cooked chickpeas. They are also a good supply of a range of other vitamins and minerals. With a mild flavor and texture, they can be added to salads, dips, and hummus, or simply roasted with your favorite spice and oil for a delicious snack. Chickpeas can be eaten hot or cold. They can also be added to stews and curries or roasted in the oven with paprika. They are considered as vegan high protein foods.

Nutritional Benefits of Green Chickpeas - Best Protein Vegan Foods | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

3. Green Peas

Despite their small size, these green peas are a nutritional powerhouse. They are frequently included in a high protein vegetarian diet, especially in powdered form. Peas have 9 grams of protein for every cup serving. Just be careful not to overcook them or they will lose their nutritional value. Green peas are also high in fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

4 benefits of green peas in your diet and why they are healthy and it is Best Protein Vegan Foods | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is a gluten-free grain that is categorized as a “Pseudo cereal.” These small grains are amazingly packed with protein. One cup of cooked quinoa contains approximately 8 to 9 grams of protein. However, because these small grains have a nutty flavor, it is best to rinse them before cooking to avoid bitterness. They are commonly used in place of rice. Other common ingredients in this grain include magnesium, iron, fiber, and manganese. It is also extremely adaptable. Quinoa can be used as an alternative to pasta in soups and stews. It can be added to salads or eaten as a meal. This vegan food is rich in high protein.

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Different types of Seeds

Almost all types of seeds are substantial in protein and other nutrients. To verify this, look at the protein profiles of the following seeds:

  • 12 cup Chia Seeds contains 12 grams of protein.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain 20 grams of protein per 12 cup serving.
  • Flaxseeds contain 3 grams of protein per 2 tablespoon serving.
  • Hemp Seed contains 10 grams of protein per 28 grams serving.
  • Tahini contains 5 grams of protein per 2 tablespoon serving.
    All these seeds are very important vegan sources of protein.

1. Tofu

Tofu is prepared from soy milk. Tofu contains nearly 22 grams of protein per half-cup serving, making it an excellent addition to your staple meals and salads. When purchasing tofu, look for one with a firm texture and less water content, as this makes it a better source of protein and calcium. Tofu can be used as a meat alternative in favorite sandwiches or soups. You can include this in your vegan diet with high protein.

A Guide to Tofu And How It Tastes | Best Protein Vegan Foods | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

2. Nuts

Nuts are a well-known source of plant-based protein. They can be added to a high protein vegan diet to meet the daily protein requirement. Let’s take a closer look at the crude protein of some nuts:
– 15 grams of almonds per 100 grams
– Cashews contain 24 grams per 100 grams.
– 8 grams of peanuts per 100 grams
– 16 grams of pistachios per 100 grams
All the above nuts are considered as high protein vegetarian food.

Protein Rich Vegetables

Protein can be found in a variety of dark-colored, leafy greens and vegetables. These foods alone would be insufficient to fulfill daily protein requirements, but a few vegetable snacks can help increase protein intake, especially when combined with other protein-rich foods.

5 common vegetables that are rich in protein | Best Protein Vegan Foods 
 | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in

Per serving, a large baked potato contains 8 g of protein. Other nutrients present in potatoes involve potassium and vitamin C.
A medium stalk of broccoli contains approximately 4 g of protein.
Kale carries 2 grams of protein per cup.
5 medium mushrooms provide 3 grams of protein.
All of the above vegetables can be included in a vegan diet with high protein.

1. Seitan

Seitan is a complete protein that is made by blending wheat gluten and a variety of spices. People with celiac or non-celiac gluten intolerance should avoid it because of its high wheat content. Others may find it to be a protein-rich, healthy meat replacement. When Seitan is cooked in soy sauce, which contains the amino acid lysine, it becomes a complete protein source with 21 g per 1/3 cup. It is a vegan source of high protein.

Vegan Steak | seitan is Best Protein Vegan Foods  | lovelocal.in

2. Spirulina

Spirulina is a type of blue or green algae that comprise nearly 8 g of protein per 2 tablespoons. It is also rich in nutrients like iron, B vitamins (but not vitamin B-12), and manganese. Spirulina goes well with water, smoothies, and fruit juice. To increase the protein content of salads or snacks, sprinkle it on top.

10 Health Benefits of Spirulina | Best Protein Vegan Foods | LoveLocal | lovelocal.in


Going vegan necessitates some preparation. People who avoid animal products, however, can eat balanced diets that support a healthy body and reduce the risks of some diseases by eating the right vegetable protein. We have seen vegans suffer from protein deficiency because they are unaware of the high protein vegan foods that are accessible to them. This vegan food list will help people to plan their diet. Shop at LoveLocal to support local retailers!

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