Home » Guava Fruit: Every Benefit to Know About

Guava Fruit: Every Benefit to Know About

Guava, a tropical fruit grown in Venezuela, Mexico, and Colombia, is typically consumed fresh or in flavors, while its skin and leaf are used as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments. Furthermore, these fruits have health benefits. Guava fruit is also beneficial in the treatment of dangerous health issues such as high blood pressure, diarrhea, diabetes, cough, and various types of cancer. It is so beneficial to diabetes that it can be included in your Diet Plan. So, how does guava achieve all of this? The answer is that the amount of vitamin C and fibers in guava serve as antioxidants. These antioxidants have the ability to reduce or eliminate the harmful effects of oxidation.

Nutritional Facts of Guava:

If pineapple is known as the king of fruits, guava is known as the queen of fruits due to its medicinal properties and capabilities. The nutrients in guava are:

  • Guava contains 21% vitamin A, which helps brighten your skin and keep mucous membranes healthy.
  • This fruit also has 20% folate, which is beneficial to pregnant women and helps to prevent neural tube damage.
  • Lycopene, which is found in pink guavas, protects the skin from UV rays and also helps to prevent prostate cancer.
  • Guavas have more potassium than bananas, which aids in controlling high blood pressure.
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Guava Fruit Benefits:

Guava fruits are known as the “Queen of Fruits” due to their high medicinal value. It is high in calcium, with 18 grams of minerals per 100 grams. This demonstrates that the fruit has the potential to help with a variety of diseases. However, in order for you to gain a better understanding of the subject, let’s look at the health benefits of guava fruits.

1. Boosts Immunity

Guava is high in vitamin C and is said to have four times the vitamin C content of oranges. Vitamin C boosts immunity, preparing your body to fight common diseases and pathogens. Furthermore, more vitamin C promotes good vision. It is a crucial benefit of eating guava.

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2. Manages Blood Sugar Level

Guava has a high fiber and glycemic index, which aids in the prevention of diabetes. You can use the Glycemic Index Food Chart to determine the GIs of other foods and adjust your diet accordingly. Fiber content keeps blood sugar levels from spiking, while the glycemic index keeps blood sugar levels from rising too quickly. Because of all these reasons, guava is good for diabetes.

3. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

Guava contains a lot of sodium and potassium, which helps the body balance and control high blood pressure in hypertension patients. Guavas aid in the reduction of cholesterol, which is one of the main causes of heart disease. However, this fruit raises good cholesterol levels while decreasing bad cholesterol.

4. Helps in Constipation

When contrasted to other fruits, guavas have a high content of dietary fiber. One guava a day contains 12% of your daily fiber intake, making it extremely beneficial for healthy digestion. It also promotes regular bowel movements. This lowers your chances of constipation.

Benefits of Pink Guava | LoveLocal

5. Helps Women During Pregnancy

Guavas are beneficial for pregnancy because they contain folic acid and vitamin B-9, which is recommended for women because it aids in the development of the baby’s nervous system and safeguards the baby from neurological diseases.

6. Aids in Weight Loss

If you are a health enthusiast or believe that you are overweight, you should consume guava, which aids in weight loss. The metabolism of your body is regulated by guava. When compared to apples, grapes, and oranges, raw guava is said to have less sugar.

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7. Helps in Cough & Cold

When contrasted to other fruits, guava is very high in vitamin C and iron. Guava, on the other hand, has been shown to protect against a bad cold or any viral infection. The juice of raw guavas is extremely beneficial in the treatment of coughs and colds. It eliminates mucus while also disinfecting the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs. It is a very popular health benefit of guava.

8. Soothes Toothache

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that fight infections and kill germs, and consuming guava leaves at home can help alleviate toothaches. The juice of guava leaves is also said to relieve swollen gums and oral ulcers.

9. Reduces Cancer Threats

Vitamin C, lycopene, and other polyphenols act as antioxidants, preventing the growth of cancerous cells by inactivating infections in the body. Guava fruit has been shown to avert prostate cancer as well as breast cancer cell growth.

10. Improves Eyesight

Guava fruits are good source of vitamin A, which helps to improve one’s vision. Eating guava not only inhibits bad eyesight but also prevents you from developing cataracts and vision problems.

Benefits of Guava Leaves

We all rely on medicine for minor ailments such as fever, colds, and coughs. But don’t forget that guava leaves are also extremely healthy. If guava fruit is good for you, its leaves are even better. Here are a few guava leaf benefits you should be aware of:

Fresh Guava Leaves - Amrood ke Patte, Payara, Peroo, Pijuli, Jam Phal,  Medicinal Leaf, Organic Leaf - LoveLocal

1. Guava Leaves for Hair

Hair loss is caused by an unhealthy scalp. Because of their anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, guava leaves can help prevent hair loss and strengthen your scalp. It is also used to treat scalp issues and dandruff. It is also high in vitamins B and C, which nourish and promote hair growth. So, if you have a guava tree in your garden, instead of piling up the leaves and burning them, make a paste out of them and gently apply it to your scalp. This will help to strengthen your scalp and prevent hair loss.

2. Guava Leaves Tea

 Guava leaf tea is very healthy and can be consumed if you have abdominal pain, watery stools, or other digestive issues. Simply place guava leaves in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. The water should then be strained and allowed to cool for 5 minutes. When you consume it, make sure it is at least lukewarm. Also, this must be consumed on an empty stomach, and you may experience immediate relief if you carefully follow the steps.

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Guava fruit and leaves have medicative properties that can assist with a variety of health issues. However, make sure you don’t eat too much of it. Guavas have superior healing properties to apples. Apart from an empty stomach, guava should be consumed at any time. However, if you are allergic to guavas, you should consult a doctor and ask for a solution.

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