Home » 10 Healthy Benefits of Dates (Khajoor)
Benefits of Dates

10 Healthy Benefits of Dates (Khajoor)

Dates are tropical fruits that grow on date palm trees. Its scientific name is Phoenix Dactylifera and is one of the world’s healthiest fruits. Dates are classified as dry fruits and have long been an important part of West Asian culture. Dates have high natural sugar content. The dry fruit version of dates contains more calories than the fresh fruit. Dates’ high calorie content has contributed to their popularity, as they provide energy throughout the day. Its numerous health benefits can be obtained by incorporating it into your diet. In this article, we will attempt to educate you on the health benefits of dates as well as the nutritional wonder that it is.

Before we proceed, let’s have a look at the Nutritional Value of Dates.

Health Benefits and nutrition of Dates | LoveLocal

Nutritional Value of Dates

Dates have extremely high amounts of nutrients. The fruits are rich in crucial vitamins and other nutrients that are beneficial to your overall health. Dates are also high in fiber and carbohydrates, making them one of the healthiest dry fruits. The nutritional value of 100g of dates is as follows:

  • Calories – 277 cal
  • Proteins – 2g
  • Sugar – 66g
  • Calcium – 64g
  • Fiber – 7g
  • Iron – 0.9mg
  • Vitamin D – 0.1mg
  • Fat – 0.2 g

The above nutritional value of dates will help us to understand the benefits:

1. Boosts Brain Function

Inflammatory cytokines like Interleukin can be extremely harmful to your brain. Increased levels of IL-6 (Interleukin 6) have been linked to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. The presence of inflammatory markers is never a good sign for your neural health and should be treated with caution. Dates have been found to be beneficial in lowering IL-6 levels and thus lowering the risk of developing brain degenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s. This is presumably one of the most notable benefits of eating dates.

2. Lessens the Risk of Cancer

Researches has discovered that the presence of a compound known as beta D-glucan in dates is very beneficial in promoting anti-tumor activity within the body. Dates’ high antioxidant substance also helps in the lowering of free radical activity (elements that can cause cancer), lowering the possibility of cancer occurring. Date consumption on a regular basis can significantly reduce the risk of cancer as well as the occurrence of benign tumors. It is an excellent benefit of eating dates.

3. Controls Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes is one of the most chronic diseases worldwide. Dates have a low glycemic index, making them an ideal choice for diabetics. Dates have the ability to increase insulin production and also have several properties that can help reduce the rate of glucose absorption from the intestine. This can go a long way toward lowering the risk of diabetes. Reduced glucose absorption will inevitably lead to lower blood glucose levels, which is beneficial for diabetics.

4. Protects Your Kidneys

Dates contain a variety of nutrients that can help your kidneys stay healthy in stressful situations. A study on Ajwa, a type of date found primarily in West Asia, discovered that the fruit can actively reduce the lesions caused by nephrological disorders. Date extracts can also help reduce excess plasma and creatinine in the kidney, which improves overall kidney health. This can be counted as an important benefit of dry dates.

5. Benefits for Skin

Dates are an excellent replacement for the harmful chemicals found in skincare products. Dates contain significant amounts of vitamin C and vitamin D, ensuring that your skin receives all of the nutrients it requires for healthy, glowing skin. Vitamins C and D help to improve the skin elasticity, which is difficult to maintain as you age. Dates contain nutrients that help prevent premature aging and keep you looking youthful for a longer period of time. It is the benefit of dates for skin.

Organic Premium Black Dates – lovelocal.in

6. Controls Hair Fall

Dates are a great alternative to many over-the-counter medications that claim to stop hair loss. Dates are high in iron, making them extremely beneficial to your hair. Their high iron content guarantees that blood flow remains intact and that the scalp receives the nourishment it requires. The increased flow of oxygen to your scalp will promote new hair growth while also significantly reducing hair loss.

7. Dates Benefits for Men

Dates are beneficial for men in multiple ways

  • Increases Sexual Health – Eating dates can help men improve their stamina and sexual well-being. According to research, it improves your sexual health. The fruit contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that can assist in increasing sperm count and sexual libido in the individual.
  • Improves Fertility – Dates are high in antioxidants and flavonoids, which help to boost sperm count and quality. Date palm microelements like estrone and sterols have been shown to significantly improve male fertility. Date pollen extracts have also been extensively researched for their positive effects on male sperm motility and count.

8. Dates Benefits for Women

Dates are beneficial for women in multiple ways.

  • Endorse Natural Labour – Pregnant women who eat dates on a regular basis have a good chance of giving birth naturally. Cesarean deliveries cause complications that are harmful to the women who give birth. Eating dates in the later stages of pregnancy can help to make the entire delivery process go more smoothly. Dates aid in cervical dilation and lower the likelihood of preterm labour. It also facilitates in uterine contraction and supports the delivery process.

9. Helps Defeating Anemia

In some studies, regular date consumption is compared to iron supplementation as a treatment for anemia. The findings demonstrated that dates can be used to reduce anemia by increasing the iron content of haemoglobin. 

10. Natural Sweetener

Dates’ high fructose content contributes to the fruit’s caramel-like sweetness. Substituting dates made into a paste for white sugar can make your food sweet and healthy at the same time.

Uses of Dates:

Dates can be used in various ways. Apart from using it as a sweetener, date is used in various ways.

  • As a snack or finger food, people can stuff dates with almonds, pecans, cream cheese, or pistachios.
  • Whole dates, chopped, sliced, or pitted, make an excellent addition to salads.
  • Adding dates to a banana smoothie adds natural sweetness as well as additional nutritional value.
  • Dates go well in Moroccan stews or tagine dishes.
Dates:  Health Benefits for Fiber, Antioxidants, and Pregnancy for women | LoveLocal


When it comes to cooking with dates, the world is your oyster, but if you want to keep it simple, 2-3 dates per day can keep you healthy and glowing. Besides, you can easily get them home-delivered from your trusted local retailers too! Just hop onto LoveLocal.

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